
Monday, June 1, 2015

Robe a la francaise

I'm curious about the different "robe a la etc"s from the 1700s, and I came across good sources in the American Duchess  and costumeholic blogs. Turns out there's myriad "robe a la something"s, each one named, so it seems, from mixing and matching various repeating features.

While each variation is glorious, I think I'll limit myself to what I see as the basics: robe a la francaise, robe a la volante, robe a la polonaise, robe en chemise, and robe a l'Anglaise. First one to be drawn is robe a la francaise:

Monday, May 25, 2015

Re-starting the journey

I'm back! And ready to ride the learning curve again. For the last two years since I've posted (long time...) I've hardly drawn, painted, or learned.... because... reasons. Much reasons.

I was introduced to the blog Journey of an Absolute Rookie, and it was inspiring. I like the idea of posting everything, regardless of if I'm proud of it or not. In addition, I need to not go on another two year hiatus again... there's so many things that I need to re-learn. Time to start now, I guess, and in the spirit of posting everything, here's some sketches.

Good to be back :)